The Secret Garden Gala – Brand Development

In early 2024, the RHS Fundraising team began planning their new, high-end charity gala to generate awareness of the RHS’s key causes and develop a new stream of charitable income. They’d chosen a “Secret Garden” theme but were hesitant to use our main brand as they felt it wasn’t exclusive enough for this new event. I designed a creative direction for the Secret Garden Gala assets that balanced the Fundraising team’s desire for something premium and individual with the RHS’s core brand guidelines and principles.

I found ways to use our current brand assets in new and interesting ways, such as layering botanicals and using an all-green colourway to give the feeling of an overgrown, secret garden. Print effects like foiling and embossing can elevate creative assets to feel premium and high-end, without compromising our brand elements. My presentation was extremely well-received by all stakeholders. Creative assets are now in development in preparation for the Gala in October.