To finish off 2023’s show season, I visited RHS Flower Show Tatton Park – the RHS’s northern show. The show is located within the picturesque grounds of Tatton Park, on the outskirts of Knutsford Village in Cheshire. After such changeable weather, I was lucky to attend on a beautiful, sunny day!
As with the other three shows, it was my responsibility to collate and record all our branded touchpoints at the show, from the entrance gates to flags, trade stands to catering venues. Our new RHS brand looked fantastic on site, particularly the vibrant green show medals for the award-winning gardens.
I collated the images into a comprehensive presentation to share with our shows, brand and design teams. Our feedback will be used to improve and refine the show next year to give our visitors the best experience and strengthen the identity and recognition of the RHS Brand.
It was a huge privilege to be able to attend all four RHS Shows this year. I am now looking forward to visiting the rest of the RHS Gardens, including Harlow Carr at the end of August.